EMDR + IFS Consultation

Note from Kendhal

I am taking some time off during the summer to spend quality moments with my family and focus on creating new content and recording courses for the upcoming fall 2024 sessions. As a result, I will be pausing all consultation groups, demo groups, and individual consultation sessions for the summer months.

However, rest assured that consultation offerings will resume in the fall of 2024. I am committed to providing valuable consultation opportunities to support your professional growth and development.

If you want to participate in future consultation sessions, I encourage you to join my mailing list. By subscribing, you'll be among the first to know when new consultation dates become available. Look out for an email notification in late July or early August 2024 with updates on consultation offerings and how to secure your spot.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support. I look forward to reconnecting with you in the fall!

Virtual EMDR + IFS Group Consultation

EMDR+IFS group consultation is available only for therapists who completed Kendhal’s EMDR+IFS PARTS Protocol Advanced EMDR training.

Groups are 90 minutes in length and $85 per person.

Dates are updated consistently and available through the link below. These groups count toward EMDR Certification.

Virtual EMDR Individual Consultation

Kendhal offers individual consultations specific to EMDR and IFS integration. As an EMDRIA EMDRIA-approved consultant, Kendhal offers EMDR consultation credit for these meetings.

Individual consultations are $185 for a 60-minute meeting.

Virtual IFS Individual Consultation

As an IFSI Approved Consultant, Kendhal provides specialized individual consultations focused on IFS. These consultations are ideal for anyone working towards IFS Certification or seeking to enhance their IFS skills, with the added benefit of earning consultation credit.

Individual consultations are $185 for a 60-minute meeting.

EMDR + IFS Demo Group

Are you a therapist seeking to deepen your understanding and skill in integrating EMDR and IFS? Join our specialized consultation group led by Dr. Kendhal Hart, an experienced EMDRIA-approved consultant, an IFSI-approved consultant, IFS Level 3 Trained, and IFS Certified Therapist.

The best way to understand Self-Energy and the IFS model is to experience it firsthand. By participating in this live demo group, you'll have the opportunity to experience and witness the transformative power of the EMDR + IFS approach. This experiential learning process will equip you with the tools and confidence to implement these modalities effectively in your practice.


  • Duration: 4 meetings, each lasting 90 minutes.

  • Participants: Limited to 4 participants, ensuring personalized attention and meaningful interaction.

  • Structure: Each session will feature a live demonstration of EMDR+IFS on one participant. We start with a 1-hour demonstration and a 30-minute debrief and Q&A session. Participants are encouraged to earmark a specific part or aspect of their work for exploration and be open to sharing their process with the group.


  • Observe various systems in action and develop practical insights into the application of EMDR+IFS integration.

  • Deepen your understanding of therapeutic techniques and interventions through live demonstrations, personal experiences, and group discussions.

  • Experience the EMDR+IFS model firsthand to enhance your ability to implement it effectively with your clients.

Dates and Time:

  • Tuesday, August 27, 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Pacific Time

  • Tuesday, September 3, 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Pacific Time

  • Tuesday, September 10, 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Pacific Time

  • Tuesday, September 17, 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Pacific Time

Cost: $325 for all four meetings

EMDR + IFS Practicum Group


Join the new EMDR + IFS live demo group where participants act as joint therapists while I play the role of the client. This unique practice setting allows you to enhance your skills and confidence through real-life experience, interactive learning, and immediate feedback. This cohort is designed to mirror the IFS Level 1 training practicum, ensuring a high-quality learning experience. You can trust that my system and parts are well taken care of, allowing you to test interventions, learn from your peers, and receive constructive feedback.

My Role

As both the client and coach, I will:

  • Help you learn to integrate and apply EMDR and IFS modalities in real time.

  • Provide feedback and guidance on interventions and how they impact my parts and system.

  • Create a safe environment for practice and experimentation.

Cohort Details

  • Duration: 4 meetings, 90 minutes each

  • Group Size: Limited to 3 participants

  • Structure:

    • 10-minute landing exercise

    • 60-minute practicum

    • 20-minute debrief and open Q&A

What You Will Learn

Each meeting covers different aspects of integrating EMDR and IFS, providing a comprehensive learning experience:

Meeting 1: Parts Mapping

  • Practice parts mapping with my system.

  • Learn to differentiate between various parts as they present.

  • Identify potential target parts to interview.

  • This session models the EMDR Phase 1 intake process.

Meeting 2: Doing the 6 Fs with a Target Part

  • Continue EMDR Phase 1 by practicing the IFS 6 Fs to interview parts.

  • Work as a group to interview a specific part of my system.

Meeting 3: Negotiating with a Protective Part

  • Continue EMDR Phase 1 and move into Phase 2.

  • Interview a protective part to gain access to an exiled part.

  • Focus on befriending a protector and gaining its buy-in and consent to move to an exiled part.

Meeting 4: Healing Steps

  • Integrate EMDR + IFS Phase 3 and 4.

  • Begin bilateral stimulation with a focus on healing steps.


  • Enhance your skills and confidence with real-life experience.

  • Learn in a supportive and controlled environment.

  • Receive immediate and constructive feedback.


  • Availability: Limited to 3 participants per cohort.

  • Cost: $325 for all 4 meetings.

  • Consultation Credit: Counts as EMDR Consultation

Meeting Dates and Times


What to expect from consultation

Join our consultation groups for EMDR + IFS therapists! Open to those who have completed my training, whether live or on-demand. In these groups, I provide ongoing support and guidance.

During each session, we start with a check-in. Share integration-related questions, consult on specific cases (even if you're unsure of the question), or simply join without a clear agenda. Listening to others can be enlightening.

As a skilled facilitator, I can track content and themes. Feel free to vent or brain dump; I always have ideas, suggestions, questions, and feedback. No need for an organized thought process - we welcome all your disorganized and confused parts!

My consultation groups offer a safe and supportive space to express yourself and gain insights from fellow therapists. Join me and tap into the collective wisdom of our community.